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Find the Right Reason to

Sell Your Mineral Rights

At Bluebonnet Mineral Investments and C2 Mineral Marketing in Dallas, Texas, we talk to mineral owners

everyday who are considering selling their mineral rights.  

Here's what we learned:


Some people want one lump payment today, rather than having

to wait years for those royalty checks.  This could meet your 

immediate cash needs for medical expenses, tax bills, and more.

Portfolio Diversification

Funds from selling minerals can be freed up to reinvest in other

assets. Diversification is the foundation of solid financial planning.

Estate Planning

Simplify your estate and free up assets to enjoy your

retirement, as well as, leaving cash and other more liquid 

investments to your heirs.  It's the best protection for your 

family's future.

Eliminate Bookkeeping Hassles

Managing mineral rights generates a lot of paperwork and mail,

and most people also find they need a CPA to do their taxes.  Selling your minerals eliminates these tedious tasks.

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